Vario by VELUX replacement Skovshoved Denmark
28 Oct, 2021

When you need more than an IKEA hack

Many parts of your home either have or will benefit in the future from a little IKEA hack. There’s no doubt that the Swedish furniture store has transformed houses across the country, with affordable products that are easy to build and can leave a simple, but lasting, impression.

Despite this, some items in the modern home need more than a little IKEA hack, areas of your home and design that you just can’t compromise on, no matter how creative you get.


No matter where you go in your home, the flooring will be beneath you! As obvious as this sounds, facts are facts, so if you want your home to be perfect in both design and comfort, then you can’t compromise on flooring. You use it every day, come rain or shine, moments of joy or sadness, it’s always there, supporting you - so make sure it’s a big part of your home renovation or big-picture design ideas for your home moving forward.


The perfect way to reinvent the modern home and take it to the next level, rooflights can radically transform the atmosphere and aesthetics of a home by bringing the outdoors inside. Reinvigorate and captivate areas of your home that were once shrouded in darkness by allowing rooflights to illuminate it by allowing natural light in where before it was impossible.

Rooflights have a wonderful ability to make your home feel reinvigorated with the introduction of daylight that shines a light on areas of your home, both literally and figuratively. It’s a finish that an IKEA hack could never hope to achieve as there’s no artificial substitute for a rooflight and the impact it has on a home.

Kitchen countertops

While IKEA hacks often upgrade simple, affordable purchases into something that looks more than the sum of its parts, you need the real deal when it comes to kitchen countertops. The kitchen is the heart of any home, it’s where a family congregates, parties come to life and it’s often the centre of the entertainment. Kitchen countertops, while unassuming, are an important part of the home and can’t be compromised on. Not only are they important for everyday use but also for safety when cooking and preparing food. With a well-placed rooflight, kitchen countertops can be illuminated using natural light, giving them an extra dimension that can’t be recreated any other way.

Combining looks with functionality

Many homeowners will naturally focus on looks when it comes to upgrading their homes. Still, it’s all about functionality as well. For example, rooflights will help your home to look naturally stunning but also provide practical and functional attributes through improved ventilation and lighting, illuminating dark areas whilst also providing natural air to keep you cool all year round. This also applies to appliances, looks are great but functionality can’t be compromised - a perfect mixture of both is what you need for your home.

Go beyond an IKEA hack, ask our Daylight Experts how to make a real difference to your home

To take your home beyond the latest IKEA hack or craze, why not speak to one of our Daylight Experts and rejuvenate your home with design choices that can’t be replicated.

Whether you want to completely renovate your home to enjoy natural daylight and fresh ventilation or talk to us about modifying what’s already there to make your home more modern, get in touch with us today and take the first step to improve your home. 

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